
COM 420.01: Nonverbal Communication

Communication Studies Program

08/29 - 12/12/2022

2:00 - 2:50 PM

3 Credits


Assignment #1
Check-ins serve two main purposes. First, you provide timely and specific feedback that helps inform me of my course delivery. Second, check-ins allow you to communicate individually, privately, and regularly with me to help track your progress, individualize learning, and ensure success in the course. Check-ins in both ASL (as video submissions) or in written English. You could submit 5 check-ins in ASL and 5 in English.You must submit your check-in on Blackboard by Friday at 11:59 pm Eastern Time Zone on the assigned due dates. Note: There is no make-up if you miss that day. Please check for Opt-Out for Chapter Tests and Make-Up Tests under Class Policies.
Assignment #2
In-Class Discussions and Activity for Chapters
On Mondays and Wednesdays in class, you will discuss and analyze each chapter and answer questions critically and in-depth rather than just stating the answers from the chapter. Also, you must provide evidence and/or examples to reinforce your analysis. Note: There is no make-up if you miss that day. Please check for Opt-Out for Chapter Tests and Make-Up Tests under Class Policies.
Assignment #3
Chapter Tests
On Fridays, in-class, you will take chapter tests based on the chapter textbook and/or in-class discussions and activities. The test will be online and using the Respondus Lockdown platform; bring your laptop every Friday. The test will be a mix ofed essay, multiple choice, and/or true/false questions. Note: There is no make-up if you miss that day. Please check for Opt-Out for Chapter Tests and Make-Up Tests under Class Policies.
Assignment #4
Project 1: Movie Scene Analysis
Reflecting on your personality type is one way to understand more about yourself. Learning about yourself will help you explore how communication works best for you and can also help you to identify strengths and improve weaknesses in your communication style. This task will be in an MLA-formatted ASL Video via an unlisted YouTube video.
Assignment #5
Project 2: Understanding nonverbal communication in different countries
Reflecting on your personality type is one way to understand more about yourself. Learning about yourself will help you explore how communication works best for you and can also help you to identify strengths and improve weaknesses in your communication style. This task will be in an MLA-formatted ASL Video via an unlisted YouTube video.
Assignment #6
Project 3: Assessing the rules of verbal and nonverbal communication
Reflecting on your personality type is one way to understand more about yourself. Learning about yourself will help you explore how communication works best for you and can also help you to identify strengths and improve weaknesses in your communication style. This task will be in an MLA-formatted ASL Video via an unlisted YouTube video.

Assignment Breakdown

AssignmentsActivityWeightSubmission Due


10 Check-Ins


Sept 9th by midnight


10 In-Class Discussions and Activity for Chapters


Full Semester


10 Chapter Tests


Sept 16th (In Class)


3 projects


Nov 4th by midnight

Grading Breakdown

GPA Scale and GPA Value

Academic Integrity
Policy Violation
(no credit)

line with circle

Not acceptable

for DoIT majors

line with circle
line with circle

(59 & Below)
Failing (no credit)


Passed for interpretation majors

line with circle


line with circle

